Знакомство с виртуальной машиной Ethereum (EVM)

The Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) is an important component of the Ethereum blockchain by providing a suitable environment where smart contracts are carried out. The EVM gives Ethereum a built-in programming language for creating decentralized applications.

What Is the EVM?

The EVM can be thought of as a global, decentralized computer containing millions of executable instances. It runs on every node that is part of the Ethereum network. The EVM executes smart contract code so applications can run without third-party downtime, censorship, or interference.

Smart contracts are programs that run exactly as programmed without modification. The EVM enables this by providing an isolated, deterministic environment to execute smart contracts. The virtual machine also manages state changes as contracts are executed.

The Functioning of the Ethereum Virtual Machine

The EVM works by running on every Ethereum node. Each node on the network runs a copy of the EVM to maintain consensus across the decentralized blockchain. This enables a contract to have the same results when executed on any node.

Developers write smart contracts in programming languages like Solidity. These contracts are compiled into ‘bytecode’ that can be understood by the EVM and run on the network. Nodes in the EVM run the bytecode and execute the smart contracts.

The EVM manages all state changes as contracts are executed. It keeps track of account balances, contract data, and other details in its state storage. The EVM updates the Ethereum state by running transactions like contract deployments, function calls, transfers, etc.

Gas is used to pay for the computational resources required to run smart contracts in the EVM. Nodes are incentivized to execute contracts and validate state changes by receiving gas fees. Gas costs deter inefficient code and denial of service attacks.

Key Roles and Functions of the EVM

The EVM provides a decentralized runtime for smart contracts to run on the blockchain. It lets contracts execute on any Ethereum node across the global network.

The EVM manages state changes between accounts per the contract logic. It enforces validation rules and authentication for all transactions. 

The EVM maintains consensus by running contracts identically on every node. It updates Ethereum’s state by processing transactions like deployments and transfers.

The EVM uses gas to stimulate nodes. Nodes get paid gas fees to execute and validate transactions. This is how the EVM motivates nodes to run contracts and validate state changes.

The EVM provides a decentralized execution environment for smart contracts to run uniformly across Ethereum. It manages the state and enforces rules. The EVM also updates the state and uses gas to incentivize node operators.

Use Cases and Applications of the EVM

Here are some of the main use cases and applications that Ethereum’s Virtual Machine powers:

1. Deploying Smart Contracts

One major use case of Ethereum’s Virtual Machine is deploying and running various kinds of smart contracts like tokens, decentralized finance protocols, decentralized apps, non-fungible tokens, and more. The EVM enables these digital assets and platforms to function in a decentralized manner.

2. Building Decentralized Applications

The distributed nature of the EVM allows the building of fully decentralized blockchain-based applications with no point of failure. The EVM facilitates resilience and uptime for dapps.

3. Creating Trustless Agreements 

The EVM can create trustless agreements, arrangements, and transactions between parties without requiring intermediary third parties. Smart contracts on the EVM provide transparent business logic for deals.

4. Developing Decentralized Organizations

DAOs, or decentralized autonomous organizations, can be developed using smart contract logic running on the EVM. The code encodes organizational structure, rules, voting, and operations.

Exploring Advanced Capabilities

The EVM also enables payment channels, escrows, verifiable voting systems for governance, supply chain tracking, and other advanced functions in a deterministic manner.

The immutable and transparent EVM provides a base layer for other protocols to build on, leveraging its decentralized consensus and execution.

The EVM powers a broad range of decentralized solutions, from digital assets to organizations and more. It enables resilience, minimizes trust, and provides a base layer for Ethereum-based decentralized technologies.

Advantages of the EVM Approach 

A key advantage of the EVM model is that deterministic execution ensures smart contracts always run exactly as programmed across all nodes. This reliability is essential for decentralized applications.

  • The EVM provides censorship resistance for decentralized apps and agreements. No central party can modify or block execution. This enables permissionless innovation.
  • There is redundancy across the many EVM nodes on the Ethereum network. If some nodes go down, the network persists. This prevents downtime and enhances reliability.
  • The EVM uses a consensus mechanism to ensure all active nodes ultimately agree on state changes arising from contract execution. This maintains a unified state.
  • The EVM uses gas to efficiently allocate resources based on computation and storage needs. Gas aligns costs with resource utilization.

Other EVM advantages include deterministic execution, censorship resistance, redundancy, consensus, and efficient resource pricing. These technical properties enable EVM’s role as a decentralized world computer.

Ограничения и проблемы

While the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) offers powerful capabilities, it also presents several limitations and challenges that developers must navigate. First, the EVM possesses limited built-in functionality, relying on smart contracts for extensions. Any additional features or functionalities must be implemented through these contracts, which can introduce complexity to the development process.

Another challenge lies in the cost of executing transactions on the Ethereum network, often called “gas.” For complex smart contracts and applications, gas costs can be prohibitively high, potentially limiting the feasibility of certain projects and discouraging widespread adoption.

Furthermore, the EVM requires computations to be deterministic, ensuring that all nodes on the network reach a consensus. While this is essential for network security and integrity, it can restrict the flexibility of developers when designing their applications.

Lastly, the cost and effort associated with redeploying contracts post-launch can be significant. This poses a hurdle for developers needing to make corrections or updates to their smart contracts after deployment, potentially impacting the user experience and project timelines.


In Conclusion, the Ethereum Virtual Machine is a pivotal innovation that spawned the smart contract and Web3 ecosystems. Providing a deterministic, isolated runtime for blockchain programs enabled a new paradigm in decentralized software. Real-world adoption of EVM applications is still in the early stages but holds substantial long-term potential.

Нэнси Дж. Аллен
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Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2023/09/10/getting-to-know-ethereum-virtual-machine-evm/