Винсент Ридделл рассказывает о пересечении блокчейна, искусственного интеллекта и IPv6 на CoinGeek Backstage

B2029 is a haven for any Bitcoin enthusiast in Berlin. In July, it welcomed some of the industry’s leading minds in a meetup to discuss the future of blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI). Vincent Riddell was among the attendees, and in an interview with CoinGeek Backstage, he talked about how the two technologies intersect.

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“B2029 is a great space, and it’s been here since 2017. The people who’ve come by have been far ahead in their understanding of blockchain,” he told CoinGeek Backstage reporter Becky Liggero.

“People are only now understanding that you can store data on the blockchain, but this is a very old concept for many people [who come to B2029].”

While the Berlin-based ‘Bitcoin Citadel’ majors in blockchain, the members also delve into other technologies. Recently, the focus has been on AI, and while the tone with the masses is that of concern and anxiety, the B2029-ers are focused “on how we can use AI to our own ability.”

The B2029 meetup was on the back of the IEEE COINS conference in Berlin, which focused on AI, IPv6, and blockchain. Some of the speakers at the event included IPv6 Forum’s Latif Ladid and University of Sharjah’s Konstantinos Sgantzos. At the meetup, the attendees dissected the conference and shared their takeaways.

Riddell first got involved in Bitcoin over a decade ago for its “sound money approach.”

“When I first discovered Bitcoin in 2012, I thought to myself, ‘This is phenomenal. This is the type of money that’s not inflationary,’” he stated.

Riddell founded Fruit Data Kings, a company leveraging blockchain in the fruit supply chain sector. He’s working on a product that allows users to tokenize the fruits while they are in transit to be traded before they arrive in the market.

Смотреть: B2029 Meetup подчеркивает слияние искусственного интеллекта и Web3

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Source: https://coingeek.com/vincent-riddell-talks-intersection-of-blockchain-ai-and-ipv6-on-coingeek-backstage-video/