Pikamoon (PIKA) становится лучшим выбором для инвесторов по мере приближения одобрения ETF Bitcoin (BTC)


In case you’ve not heard, Bitcoin’s headed for a breakthrough, as the barriers to getting BTC Exchange-Traded Funds are now falling apart. In fact, the Bitcoin (BTC) bulls are jumping back on their Bitcoin (BTC) tokens, betting on a massive spike in the coming weeks. Bitcoin (BTC) has always had a huge pull on the rest of the crypto-verse, so a boost in the Bitcoin price means the cryptocurrency market could be back for a bull run. The next question is, what are the implications of a Bitcoin (BTC) ETF approval on budding projects like Pikamoon (PIKA)? 

Here are our answers for you!


Bitcoin (BTC) Price Surges As ETF Approval Looks Likely

The non-crypto sector of the financial market has been looking for a relatively risk-free manner to enter the cryptocurrency market since Bitcoin (BTC) broke out as an elite token. Such investors have been behind the petitions to have Bitcoin’s Exchange-Traded Funds approved so that they can invest their capital in the relatively stable Bitcoin (BTC).

The Securities and Exchange Commission has been strongly against such investments and has turned down such petitions for years. But pressure is mounting, and for the first time in years, Bitcoin (BTC) ETFs could become a reality! 

The entire crypto-verse is on the edge of its seat, fully pumped for the news, and the BTC price is the main indicator of such anticipation. The Bitcoin (BTC) token price is trading at about $28,447 on CoinMarketCap, representing a 4.6% spike over the last 24 hours. Considering Bitcoin’s impact on the larger криптовалюта market, we can expect that other tokens will pick up in value, and the new entrant Pikamoon (PIKA) is in pole position to hit the top of the gainers charts.

Get PIKA tokens now before they follow the Bitcoin (BTC) spike. Still in doubt? Well, we have some top Pikamoon features for you!

Pikamoon (PIKA): Realize Your Gaming Profits On the Pikaverse!

The Bitcoin (BTC) price is picking up, and Pikamoon (PIKA) will follow suit. Every crypto investor is looking to the new Metaverse project as a better version of its predecessors, particularly Decentraland and ApeCoin, and the Pikamoon (PIKA) project is checking every box at the moment.

The developers made intense research into the highs and lows of the previous play-to-earn gaming platforms, and that’s how Пикамун (PIKA) was born. The new project presents solutions to the financial and technical challenges in the preceding games–you’re in for a real treat here!

The Pikamoon (PIKA) gaming landscape is inspired by Pokémon, the classic RPG animation that colored the childhoods of the average gamer. With advanced 3D software development and Unreal Engine optimization, Pikamoon (PIKA) presents crypto gaming at its finest. The Pikaverse is littered with adventures and tricky challenges to challenge your gaming prowess while you gain PIKA tokens alongside. 

Yes, you heard–or read–right! In the Pikaverse, you get PIKA tokens for your gaming time as you face each new challenge. The play-to-earn policy ensures you are not just having fun; you will be making money alongside! 

Plus, your PIKA tokens are going to be useful in the game marketplace for buying rare NFTs and other unique gaming items. But the PIKA tokens are only the start; the Pikaverse holds over 27,000 NFTs, and they will be going to PIKA holders as soon as the game opens.

So don’t just hang there waiting for the big boom! Get your PIKA tokens now while the trends are rising, and watch your investments rise as the cryptocurrency market anticipates Bitcoin’s price surge.

Спуститесь к Pikamoon (PIKA) website and bag your PIKA tokens today before it’s too late!


Узнайте больше о Пикамуне (PIKA):

Купить сейчас: https://pikamoon.io/buy

Веб-сайт: https://pikamoon.io

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Pikamooncoin

Телеграмма: https://t.me/pikamoonofficial

Source: https://www.analyticsinsight.net/cryptos-best-kept-secret-pikamoon-pika-becomes-investors-best-bet-as-bitcoin-btc-etf-approval-gets-closer/