Сегодняшний Wordle # 634 Подсказка, подсказки и ответ на среду, 15 марта

We’ve made it to the halfway point for March. In just a few days, we’ll officially leave winter behind us and plunge into spring—and not a moment too soon. This winter has tempted me sorely to move somewhere warm and sunny. I do love having seasons, but I’d be happier with just summer and fall.

In any case, spring is almost here and I for one am ready. I’m ready to hit the trail and hike these poor, neglected doggies of mine. They’re used to a lot more hiking and running and frolicking outside than they’ve been getting, and I think they’re depressed. Or maybe I’m just depressed. I used to be immune to seasonal depression, but not this year. I blame the pandemic’s lasting effects.

But I won’t go full Eeyore, don’t worry. Life is good! There’s so much to be grateful for and so much left to do. Wherever will I find the time for it all?

Okay, let’s do this Wordle . . . .

Как решить сегодняшний Wordle

Намек: Very useful for upcoming spring cleaning.

Ключ: В этом слове двойная буква.

Ответ (спойлеры):




я пошел с хаос because that’s how I feel lately. Overwhelmed with the chaos of life, or maybe just my brain, which can feel so chaotic sometimes. I swear my ADHD has gotten much worse over the past few years. Again, I blame the pandemic.

Тем не менее, из хаос и озлобленность great things sometimes emerge. This time, my second guess took the 219 remaining solutions that chaos left me and slashed that number down to just three that I could think of: sweep, sleep и супер.

I was tempted to go with спать because I never get enough of it. Then I was tempted to go with супер because my first two words were kind of the opposite and I could round things out with a little balance. But in the end, I had to go with what I’d just been doing before I started this Wordle: sweeping. We’ve been demolishing the doorway and part of the wall to my master bathroom and the mess from the demo was . . . a lot. I just finished sweeping when I sat down to solve the Wordle, so I knew it had to be a sign.

Sure enough, it was right! Ура!

That’s 1 point for guessing in three and zero for tying the Wordle Bot, who I swear is cheating lately. As bots do.

Be well, dearest Wordlers! Happy Wednesday!

Сыграйте против меня в соревновательном слове!

Я играл в беспощадную игру в PvP Wordle против моего заклятого врага Wordle But. Теперь ты должен играть против меня! Я могу быть твоим врагом! (И, конечно же, ваше полезное руководство по Wordle).

Вот правила:

  • 1 бал за получение Wordle за 3 попытки.
  • 2 балов для получения его в 2 предположения.
  • 3 балов для получения его в 1 предположение.
  • 1 бал за избиение Эрика
  • 0 балов для получения его в 4 предположения.
  • -1 балл для получения его в 5 предположения.
  • -2 точек для получения его в 6 предположения.
  • -3 точек за проигрыш.
  • -1 балл за проигрыш Эрику

Дайте мне знать, если у вас есть какие-либо комментарии или вопросы по Twitter или Facebook.

Как всегда, я был бы рад, если бы вы подписались на меня здесь, в этом блоге, и подписались на мой канал YouTube и мой Substack, чтобы вы могли быть в курсе всех моих обзоров и репортажей о телевидении, фильмах и видеоиграх. Спасибо!

Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkain/2023/03/14/todays-wordle-634-hint-clues-and-answer-for-wednesday-march-15th/